Triple-A digital currencies payment gateway for e-commerce

Digital currencies payments
for e-commerce.

Integrate Triple-A’s digital currencies payment gateway with your online store in just a few clicks and attract new customers worldwide.



Digital currencies payments in e-commerce are simple and as intuitive as any other payment method



Add this new payment method within minutes with our APIs or e-commerce platform plugins


Triple-A removes volatility risk as settlement is done in local currency and directly transferred to your bank account


How it works

Accept digital currency via your online store in just a few clicks


Select the integration option

Choose between our e-commerce platform plugins and easy-to-integrate API

Customize the payment gateway

Finalise the setup and choose how it will appear on your website

Accept digital currencies payments

Access to 420+ million digital currency users worldwide and grow your business



Merchant dashboard

Access to all your digital currencies transactions through your dedicated Merchant dashboard


Track orders and payments

Streamline accounts reconciliation

Facilitate customer refunds




Integration options

Select the right option for your online store. All options are fast and easy to install.


Developer-friendly API

1 API call to prepare a request

No front-end development needed

1 webhook to receive updates

Embedded payment form

The digital currencies payment form appears within your website

Learn more >

External payment form

The digital currencies payment form appears in a new window

Learn more >



Platform plugins

Integrate with e-commerce platform plugins in just a few clicks