Triple-A Updates

2 min read

August 15, 2024

Triple-Ace of the Month: Meet our Head of Compliance, Cristal

We caught up with Cristal, Triple-A’s Head of Compliance. Our chat shed light on her daily grind of managing compliance functions, where her tenacity really shines as she explores the ins and outs of different jurisdictions. While Cristal adheres strictly to the rulebook at work, get to know her and you’ll discover she’s anything but rigid. Read more about Cristal and her pivotal role at Triple-A!

The Journey to Triple-A

I joined Triple-A as the Head of Compliance nearly a year ago, bringing with me 14 years of experience in compliance, primarily within traditional financial institutions.

The Role in Compliance

In my role, I handle various tasks including license applications, daily compliance oversight, and risk assessments.  I collaborate with various departments to integrate compliance into all operations, provide training and guidance, and stay updated on regulatory changes to ensure our business remains secure and compliant.

The Eye-opener 

One of the most enlightening aspects of my job has been the opportunity to lead the license application process across different countries and jurisdictions. This has been both a significant challenge, requiring me to familiarize myself with a variety of regulations, and an incredible learning opportunity.

The Motivation

The most fulfilling part of my job is achieving a balance between strict compliance and business needs. The robust support from our team fuels my motivation, keeps me passionate, and helps drive progress forward.

Quick Takes

Life Outside of Work

When I’m not working, you’ll usually find me planning my next adventure. I love traveling to new places and sharing my experiences through travel blogs—it’s my way of holding on to those great memories and maybe inspiring someone else to explore too!

A Piece of Advice

Once you commit to something, do it with full dedication. Half-hearted efforts just don’t cut it. Give it everything you’ve got, and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

A Day in Another Role

If I could trade places with anyone at work for a day, I’d probably pick one of my team members. It would be interesting to see things from their perspective—plus, I’m curious if I’m doing a good job as a supervisor 😝

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